Department of Chemistry

The department of chemistry was started with BSc degree course in the year 2017. Then there was active participation from the department in academic and co curricular activities. Our teaching staffs take special interest in the up gradation of their teaching skills by attending seminars, workshops, fieldtrips, etc.


To enhance the development of our institution by nurturing the interest and passion in the study of chemistry.


To awakening the young minds and empowering their talents both in theory and in practical chemistry, through dedication to teaching and commitment to students.


The student will understand the interdisciplinary nature of chemistry and to integrate knowledge of mathematics, physics, and other disciplines to a wide variety of chemical problems. The student will learn the laboratory skills needed to design, safely conduct and interpret chemical research. An appreciation of the applications of chemistry in daily life. The student will acquire a foundation in chemistry of sufficient breadth and depth to enable them to understand and critically interpret the primary chemical literature.